Tuesday 22 April 2014

Google Glass Update Adds iPhone SMS Messaging and Calendar App

Just a week after Google made Glass available for purchase to the entire public for one day, it unveiled a new software update for the wearable computer.

The latest software update adds SMS messaging for the iPhone, and includes a Calendar Glassware app.

Scheduled to be released over the next few days, the update will allow Google Glass users to view texts from their iPhone by turning on the "show notifications" option in the Bluetooth settings on iOS. The feature is already available for Android devices.

However, users will only be able to receive texts, not send them, due to what the Glass team calls "limitations with iOS." So while reading texts on the device might save you a bit of time, until you can reply to them using Glass, the feature will be less than ideal for frequent users of the wearable device.

Also included in the update will be the Calendar Glassware app, which allows users to view their appointments, as well as modify times, dates and locations.