When Minority Report came to theaters in 2002, its futuristic technology looked generations away. Moving screens and multiple apps interacting together all were at a flick of Tom Cruise's finger. That kind of technology could be real in June.
The Swiss-based software company Dizmo surpassed its fundraising goal of $25,000 today on Kickstarter, and its savvy user interface could be available by June. Dizmo's user interface allows customers to move, swivel, shrink and expand any app, including calendars, maps, spreadsheets or videos on televisions, tablets and glass surfaces. All the features of Dizmo's interface are responsive, meaning the visual elements automatically adjust to the size they're expanded or shrunk to.
"In short, Dizmo is taking the ability to interact with your digital life to the next level," Matthias Aebi, Dizmo's co-founder and CEO, said in a video on Kickstarter. Aebi did not mention how much the software will end up costing.
The potential of Dizmo — a combination of "digital gizmo" — is portrayed in the "Day of Glass," video by Corning, maker of Gorilla Glass. Almost every glass surface in the video has interface technology — the kitchen counter, the fridge, the bathroom mirror and more. The vision is obvious: a touchscreen on any and every surface in your home.
Dizmo launched its fundraising campaign on Feb. 6, completing its monetary goal in under two weeks. So far almost 300 have people donated to Dizmo, according to Kickstarter. The project's managers promise they'll be the first to receive the company' software.
Image: Kickstarter